If you are a Swedish citizen, all your personal information is publicly available online due to the "Offentlighetsprincipen". This includes data like your name, phone number, address, social security number, who you live with, your vehicles, and more. In this tutorial, I will explain how you can remove yourself from these websites.

Important Legal Context

The Administrative Court of Appeal, in case 6027-23, has determined that databases publishing information for commercial purposes are not considered to have a journalistic purpose and are therefore obligated to comply with GDPR.

Steps to Remove Your Information

1. Birthday.se

  • Visit https://www.birthday.se/kontakta.
  • Write to them and request to be removed from their website.
  • After a few hours, if you're not logged in, you will be removed.
  • Write to them again to request complete removal. Mention that if they do not comply, you will file a report with IMY (Integritetsmyndigheten).

2. Eniro.se

  • Visit https://uppdatera.eniro.se/person.
  • Search for yourself and sign in with BankID.
  • Choose "Ta bort min profil helt och hållet" and confirm your request.
  • Check periodically to ensure your profile hasn’t been republished.

3. Mrkoll.se

  • Email hej@nusvar.se.
  • Request permanent deletion of your information. Include your name and social security number.

4. Hitta.se

5. Ratsit.se

  • Visit https://www.ratsit.se/kontakt.
  • Request permanent removal. You will receive a link within 48 hours to complete the process.
  • The link is valid for 24 hours.

6. Merinfo.se

  • Email info@merinfo.se.
  • Request permanent removal. Expect a response within a few days.

7. Upplysning.se

  • Currently, it is not possible to remove your information directly. Email info@upplysning.se and request deletion.
  • If they do not respond within 30 days, you can report them to IMY.

How to File a Report to IMY

Visit IMY's complaint form and include the following details:

  • Organization Name: Upplysning Checknode AB
  • Organization Number: 556837-9142
  • Email: info@upplysning.se
  • Address: Box 17217, 104 62 Stockholm
  • Website: Upplysning.se

Write that they have failed to delete your data and have not responded to your emails. Include your original email correspondence.